Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sermon: The Eternal Sabbath John 5:1-18

John 5:1-18 "The Eternal Sabbath" from Travis Sheehan on Vimeo.

Anything you can do to help me improve is appreciated. If there is something I didn't mention or you felt should have been emphasized more please mention. Thanks. I hope you enjoy.


AmethystKat said...

I listened to about half, and I admit that I was distracted by some at home stuff. I just know I REALLY, REALLY want a chance to sit down and discuss Jesus with you sometime!

Oh, and what happened to the hair!? I only mention it, because you did. :)

Travis Sheehan said...

I call my hair situation the "I meant to do that" for male pattern baldness. I appreciate you watching as much as you could. And I always like to talk about Jesus. Most certainly a conversation is preferable to long emails. Perhaps Gita and I could host you and your husband at our house for supper in the near future?

Eaglet said...

Thank you for making the Word of God known.