Sunday, October 26, 2008

God, Time, John Feinberg and Bobby Flay

For our first mental exercise I would like to ask a question: What is the relationship between God and time?

I am eager to find out your thoughts or studied positions. This is a preamble to the first book we will be looking at which is John S. Feinberg's No One Like Him, chapter 9 pp. 375-436. This is an amazing text on the doctrine of God by an incredible writer, truly a genius. I have barely combed over the section we will be treating but I suspect that I disagree with his position on God and time. I am challenging him to a theological throw-down Bobby Flay style! I might win, I might even lose its any body's game (but you should probably put your money on Feinberg).

Welcome to Beechwood Talking Points!

Hello, I am Travis J. Sheehan associate pastor at Beechwood Baptist Church. My desire for this blog is to be a resource for thinkers. Of course I hope that members of Beechwood Baptist Church will take advantage of this resource, but all are welcome. In fact I would appreciate divergent perspectives as I believe this would ultimately edify the church. I have a few ground rules:
1) Keep it clean. No posts with foul language will be permitted.
2) Keep it above the belt. Disagreement is practically encouraged, but personal put downs are not tolerable.
3) Stay relevant. This does not mean that you can not have a sense of humor or can not at all go off topic, but too long or too many posts that deviate from the subject will be removed.

The primary issues I will be discussing are philosophical and theological, the occasional political post may appear but it will likely be in regards to its philosophical/theological underpinnings. No candidates will be endorsed (although their philosophies are fair game). If you feel that a post is offensive please contact me and it may be removed. Although, if I determine that you are a political correctness advocate you will likely see the numbers 1984, which will be a reference to the fact that you are an amoral relativist whose subjectivism disqualifies your feelings due to the fact that they are illegitimate and self defeating and reading George Orwell's classic will help you understand that you are the problem and will have a stellar career as a government employee for Oceana; leave the quaking like a duck to yourself (if you did not understand the previous diatribe then you are fasting from the cerebral honey that flows from the pages from one of the greatest novels to grace ink and paper).
At the beginning I will mainly review and interact with books and my own personal thoughts, but my hope is that this will be a communal activity and interaction. Your input about the direction of this blog is also welcome so feel free to let me know about a particular direction or subject you would like to discuss more frequently or less frequently or what ever.

Let the games begin!